Kerry Johnson is our Children and Youth Church coordinator. Supporting Kerry, in this ministry team, are Sophie-Ella Smith, Margaret Ford and Winifred Biley.

As a Church, one of the main goals we have for our children and youth is to nurture their faith in God, in a supportive and age-appropriate environment. The children and the youth are being taught God’s Word and being prepared for living in a world where they will face many challenges. They are encouraged to keep God’s Word in their hearts and minds, to pray, and to serve each other where possible.

Our children and young people pray freely for the world, family, church, each other and whatever is on their hearts. They are a great blessing to us, and it is wonderful to hear their heartfelt prayers.

Our Children & Youth Ministries Includes

The Children’s Group
(6 to 12 years old)

The Youth Group
(13- 18 years old)

(2 to 5 years old)

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The Children’s Group (6 to 12 years old)

In the last year we have worked through some of the books of the Bible and studied Bible characters.

We also teach the children to seek God first for themselves, and to live according to His ways. We emphasise the importance of obedience to Jesus, so they can grow and fulfil their own personal calling. We do this in a creative and age-appropriate way, helping them to understand the teachings of Jesus.

The children are encouraged to have their own personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, and to get to know him through His Word and through prayer. This prepares them not to compromise their faith for worldly things and to live sold out for Jesus and His Kingdom.


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The Youth Group (13- 18 years old)

It has been a joy to see how much our young people have grown over the last year.

They too are taught in an age-appropriate way, with the same beliefs we have for the younger children. Currently, the young people are studying the ‘Freedom in Christ’ course, helping them to understand who they are in Christ Jesus and how that can apply those teachings into their lives. We understand the importance of social interaction and hold youth activities on occasions.

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Crèche – 2 to 5 years old

In recent weeks we have begun to hold a crèche during the service, which we hope to expand to every week, when and as more volunteers are available.

These little ones learn through play. They are read a short age-appropriate Bible story, and we teach them simple Christian songs.

All our children and young people are encouraged to partake in our Sunday morning service, bringing what they have learned into the meeting by way of testimony, drama, object lessons, worship and prayer.

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